Monday, November 26, 2012

Year End Letter & Book News!

John Calvi’s Year End Letter November 2012

Dear Friends,     

I’ve recently returned from my final travel work for the year.  I taught in 7 states to 14 groups.  It’s been a wonderful time of teaching healing from trauma, avoiding burnout for caregivers, and updates on American torture and the Quaker work to end it.

This is my 30th year of traveling and teaching as a Certified Massage Therapist specializing in trauma and a Quaker healer with a gift for releasing pain.  It’s been a great ride of hands-on work, teaching, and learning more.  I began working in the rape crisis.  Women with sexual hurt constitute the largest group of wounded on the planet.  Then I began work in the AIDS pandemic.  Work in prisons and with tortured refugees followed.  I’ve continued with each group by invitation all this time. 

Your gifts and donations have made all this possible over 30 years.  Imagine being able to say yes to work because support will come and the needy don’t have to pay.  This is a great freedom.  I need your help to continue.  There is much good that needs doing and I am ready for more.  Your help is important, especially now in these economic times.  You will understand I am at some risk but going on.  Please send a gift.

A small miracle has occurred- an editor has come forward to take all my writings and speeches and create a book.  We hope to be published in 2013.  I’ll send notice, but keep watch this summer.  Much work has been done both Spring and Fall for this.

Some of my teaching can be heard via pod cast here –
Here teaching Nursing students at Dominican University in San Raphael, CA Oct 24 2012 -

Here’s an interview with Northern Spirit Radio-

Here’s a speech on Healing America and ending torture –

Please send a gift and help me to stay on the road in 2013 and beyond.  I am very grateful for your every consideration.

In the Light, John Calvi

PO Box 301 Putney VT 05346

John Calvi’s Completed 2012 Calendar

February 4 Quaker Studies  Goodness  Wellesley Mtg  Wellesley MA
April 29   Doylestown Friends Meeting   Doylestown PA
         Quaker Initiative to End Torture – QUIT! – Update
May 10-13 Quakers United in Publishing QUIP Pendle Hill Wallingford PA
May 14-17 Book work with Shelly Angel Pendle Hill Wallingford PA
May 18 – 20 Pendle Hill The Goodness Workshop  Wallingford PA

July 13 VT People w/Aids Coalition Stress Reduction Workshops Stowe, VT
August 13-18 Pacific Yearly Meeting Plenary Walker Ranch Petaluma, CA
August 21 – 23 Dragonfly Transitions workshops Klamath Falls, OR

Oct 2  Taft Institute Annual Seminar for Teachers American Torture Queens College Flushing NY - QUIT for High School Teachers
Oct  16 – 22 Shelly Angel book editor in Putney together
October 24  Dominican University  Gender Studies  San Raphael CA
October 25 Grass Valley Friends Mtg & Woolman Semester  Grass Valley CA  
October 26-28 Quaker Center Healing workshop Ben Lomond CA

November 9 & 10  Stony Run Friends Mtg QUIT Update Fri, Goodness wkshp Sat
November 11 Homewood Friends Mtg  QUIT Update Sun 9 AM Baltimore, MD
November 16-18 Powell House Healing Hands Healing Self  Old Chatham NY

2013 Partial Incomplete Calendar as of November 2012

March 23 2013  Quaker Studies NEYM Goodness Workshop Boston MA
May 31- June 2  Pendle Hill  Healing and Light  Wallingford PA
June 30 – July 6 Friends General Conference Goodness Greeley CO

Please send a gift to my address below. THANKS!
Definitions- tax law says a donation carries the expectation of work for which I am taxed.  A gift is given out of respect, affection, or charity, such as – my birthday- May 14, my wedding anniversary- August 26, or a Christmas gift.


P. O. Box 301  Putney VT 05346

Sunday, October 14, 2012

2012 Fall Travel Work Calendar - John Calvi

Here are my last teaching engagements for 2012.
Hoping I will see some of you where I'm teaching-

John’s Travel Work Fall Calendar 2012

Oct 16 - 22  Shelly Angel in Putney to edit my book, 
preparing for publishing

October 24  Dominican University  
Gender Studies  San Raphael CA

October 25 Grass Valley Friends Mtg & 
Woolman Semester School 
Grass Valley CA

October 26-28 Quaker Center Healing workshop 
Ben Lomond CA

November 9 & 10  Stony Run Friends Mtg 
QUIT Update Fri, 
Goodness wkshp Sat
Baltimore, MD

November 11 Homewood Friends Mtg  QUIT Update 
Sun 9 AM Baltimore, MD

November 16-18 Powell House 
Healing Hands Healing Self  
Old Chatham NY

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

28th Beethoven Letter! Turning 60! 30 Years on the Road!

The 28th Beethoven Letter – John Calvi
Dear Friends,

Thirty years ago a young woman climbed on to my massage table with a nervous condition doctors were unable to name.  My hands became quite warm and she became much better after recalling an earlier abduction, rape, and torture.  That brief session 30 years ago was the beginning of a life’s work as a Quaker healer with a gift for releasing pain following trauma.  I turn 60 on May 14th and realize I’ve given half my life to this traveling work of touching and teaching.  It seems a very long time.  I’ve experienced it as a large mosaic moving quickly- fast, full, and very good.

I was honored with the Quaker Initiative to End Torture- QUIT! last July with an invitation to speak at Friends General Conference.  This talk on healing America by ending torture is available at the FGC bookstore.  As I began with torture, this was a culmination of 3 decades of study and work.  All together it’s been an experience of much Light and learning.

As you can see by my calendar, I am busy with various situations where healing is needed.  I began working in the rape crisis in 1982, AIDS in 1983, prisons in 1985, tortured refugees in 1988.  And I’ve continued with each of these groups over the years, going where invitation calls me.  I am writing more and an editor has come bravely forward to gather and edit my collected writings and journals for a book.  Many have enjoyed the writings on my website and blog.  Now much more becomes possible.

I have continued to live mainly on gifts all this time.  I have never quite relaxed into the suspense of it all and I don’t recommend this during world wide economic downturns. But over the years I have been given wonderful generosity to go forward, never refusing my work to those in need for lack of funding.  This has been a great blessing.  I can put the emphasis on getting good work done thanks to many who know my gifts and send support.  I need your help celebrating 30 years and going on.

Working by invitation, living on gifts- it’s been a fairly simple arrangement that has made for much good work in the world.  Please help me continue.  I am grateful to have had so full a life with so many of you along with me.

In the Light,
John Calvi April 2012

PO Box 301  Putney VT 05346 802/387-4789

John Calvi’s partial incomplete 2012 Calendar (as of April 2012)
Celebrating 30 Years of Good Works on the road!

New pictures, writings, and calendar changes at
Big thanks to Sehoon Ahn for web support!

February 4 Quaker Studies  Goodness  Wellesley Mtg  Wellesley, MA
April 29   Doylestown Friends Meeting  QUIT Update  Doylestown, PA
May 18 – 20 Pendle Hill Goodness workshop  Wallingford PA
July 13 VT People w/Aids Coalition workshops stress reduction   Stowe, VT
August 4 – 9 New England Yearly Meeting workshops Smithfield, RI
August 13-18 Pacific Yearly Meeting Plenary Walker Ranch Petaluma, CA
August 21 – 23 Dragonfly Transitions workshops Klamath Falls, OR
October 15-19 Dragonfly Transitions workshops Klamath Falls, OR
October 23 Dominican University Gender Studies San Raphel, CA
October 26-28 Quaker Center Healing workshop Ben Lomond, CA
November 16 – 18 Powell House  Healing Hands  Healing Self  Old Chatham, NY

In celebrating 30 years of a life’s work and the good news of a brave editor who is collecting and shaping all my writings and journals for a book, I hope you will be in touch with support.

Here is the link to my talk to Friends General Conference on healing America by ending torture.

Please send a gift to my address below, THANKS!
Definitions- tax law says a donation carries the expectation of work for which I am taxed.
A gift is given out of respect, affection, or charity, such as
my birthday- May 14, my wedding anniversary- August 26, or a Christmas gift.


P. O. Box 301  Putney VT 05346

I need to reduce paper mail to actual live Beethoven Letter readers.
I am happy to keep you on my Beethoven mailing list.  Simply send word.
Please help by sending your e-mail address to or a postcard.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Goodness Workshop Feb 4 Wellesley MA

Dear All,

An invitation to a workshop I'll offer next month. Thanks, John

John Calvi

with John Calvi

A One day Workshop at Wellesley Friends Meeting

Saturday February 4, 9:30 - 3:30

This day will include simple energy work for healing, a life chart to explore lessons thus far, and deep relaxation for cleansing. That's how we will deepen our understanding of the self for deeper spiritual life by using wonder and deep relaxation. Gathering the sense of our own goodness is key to deeper spiritual life. The growing of gifts, sensing a call, making compassion pragmatic- all shine more brightly with a clearer sense of our goodness and how we are aspects of the Divine, the fingers and breath of the Light. Wellesley Friends Meeting 26 Benvenue St. Wellesley MA 02482

781/237-0268. More info -